UCN-2003-09-22-1 Online credit checks in UK UCN-2003-09-19 New Safebuy assurance scheme UCN-2003-09-18-2 New UK Spamming laws UCN-2003-09-15-3 Downtime Costs European Firms 5.2bn UCN-2003-09-15-4: Britain Being hit by Inst Messaging Anarchy. UCN-2003-09-11: British duo face TK Worm charges
Sendmail buffer overflow in prescan() affects many versions of Linux, UNIX and BSD.
Open ssh buffer overflow DOS and possible arbitary code execution
Remote RPC call vulnerability on Windows machines due to buffer overflow that can gives local privileges.
@STAKE exec sacked for anti MS report on weakness of software monoculture. report here Move to bring software security into vendor purchasing process W32.Welchia.Worm
http://www.sans.org/top20/ SANS FBI top 20 chekcklist. Operating system concensus benchmarks from Centre for Internet Security and SANS.
NSA guides. CERT.org global centre for IT Security information.
News Global
Latest Exploits week previous to 28th september 2003
UCN-2003-09-23-1 High level email virus outbreak -W32/Gibe.E-mm UCN-2003-09-23-2 Software vendors such as Oracle more responsible
UCN-2003-09-23-3 30 unpatched vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer?
UCN-2003-09-23-4 Hack attacks increasing according to PanSec
UCN-2003-09-23-5 New IE XML Vulnerability.and this
UCN-2003-09-18-1: US-CERT goes online
UCN-2003-09-17: Open SSH problems. Rumours.
UCN-2003-09-16: The Blaster and Welchia worms continue to have a sustained impact on many Australian networks.
UCN-2003-09-15-1: US specific cert to work in conjunction with Cert.org. Shows need for geographic focus to Certs.
UCN-2003-09-15-2: Whitehouse selects Symantec chief as head of homeland security.
UCN-2003-09-12: Copy protected CDs launched on market.
UCN-2003-05-23: SANS-FBI Top 20 Vulnerabilities v3.23
Updated proftpd packages fix remote root vulnerability
http://www.uniras.gov.uk/ http://www.mod.uk/cert/ http://www.bcs-issg.org.uk/ http://www.cesg.gov.uk/index.cfm http://www.ja.net/CERT/cert.html http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rja14/ http://www.hpl.hp.com/conferences /isc03/ http://www.isg.rhul.ac.uk/ http://www.isaca.org.uk/ http://www.ukresilience.info/virus.htm http://www.terena.nl/tech/task-forces/tf-csirt/
Exploit section which has many code examples.
Bank of Montreal in Customer records on hard drive for ebay.
California law could change global business. Canadian tech company ecommerce patent enforced in Australia.
Global- CERT US- USCERT Australia- AusCERT UK- UKCERT - You are here. Canada- CanCERT Japan- JPCERT Hong Kong- HKCERT
Sector specific US certs. --Energy --NASA --Military
Sector specific UK certs. --Academic --Military --Governmental
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